August - September 2024

Build competitive games on Telegram integrated with TON in awesome game jam


GameCamp Arena 2024

With grant support from TON Foundation, Elympics is launching a 8-weeks game jam for 150+ developers willing to build games on Telegram.

The GameCamp is hosted on the Official Telegram Group <- JOIN HERE


Build your own asynchronous competitive game for Telegram with the use Elympics protocol solutions.


Explore the world of games on Telegram through engaging workshops and enhance your skills in creating competitive games.


Enter our GameCamp for a chance to win from a grant pool of $15 000, certificates and additional rewards!


GameCamp Arena 2024 Grant Pool

$15 000

The total grant pool committed by Elympics and TON Foundation.

$10,000 from TON Foundation for the best 3 games:

1st place

$5 000

2nd place

$3 000

3rd place

$2 000

$5,000 from Elympics in Community Voting on Telegram

Check our Telegram channels to find out more before the voting.


Who can join GameCamp Arena 2024

Developers, Game Designers, Graphics Artists are welcome!

Elympics protocol allows you to build games competitive games on various platforms –
now also on Telegram!

Developers familiar with Unity

Use the Elympics Protocol to easily create games on Telegram.

Game Designers

Create engaging, immersive gaming experiences
for players.

Graphic Artists

Unleash your artistry to tap into the hearts and minds of gamers.


How to join?

GameCamp Arena 2024, hosted by Elympics with grant support of TON Foundation, connects budding game developers to a potential audience of 900m+ monthly active users on Telegram.

Get your hands on the Elympics protocol and let’s take the world by storm!

16 JULY 2024


Fill in the form and join solo or with your team (every participant has to register individually).

until 22 September 2024

GameCamp Duration

Unity-based gamedev with mentorship from the devs working with the use of Elympics protocol daily.

23-27 September 2024

Games Evaluation

The GameCamp Arena Jury will take 5 days to carefully assess all projects and identify the true gems that deserve the top rewards.

30 September 2024

Winners Announcement

The pool is already bursting with grants, prizes, monetization opportunities for the winning teams and projects.


Game Specification

The game you'll build must be:

• Developed in Unity

• Built for WebGL

• A server authoritative game made with Elympics SDK

• Integrated with Telegram via Elympics SDK (the package will automatically integrate your game with Telegram & TON)

• Prepared for asynchronous multiplayer - players’ scores will be compared in various competitions

• Be a game of skill (not a game of luck)

• Support the touch input


While submitting your project, make sure to include a brief description of your game and a list of team members.

frequently asked questions


Answers to all your questions about GameCamp Arena 2024 in one place!

What are the evaluation criteria?

The GameCamp Jury will evaluate the submitted projects in terms of technical and artistic quality. The projects with a large number of errors, unplayable, clearly unfinished (e.g., levels with clearly unfinished asset implementation, non-functional features, lack of sound, etc.), and poorly implemented networking (errors in player connections, stuttering, lag, etc.) will not be accepted.

It’s your team’s responsibility to test and make sure the game meets the evaluation criteria. In exceptional situations, we may extend the submission deadline if a minor error occurs at the finish line and it can be quickly fixed.

How to submit our project?

For publishing submission fill the submission form, including remaining assets, as game logo, key visuals, loading bar etc. included in the form.

Will we have technical support during the GameCamp?

Yes, technical support from Elympics developers will be available during the jam. You’ll be invited to GameCamp Telegram group where you’ll communicate as a team and to a channel where you can reach out to Elympics Devs for help.

Will my team keep the game copyright?

Yes, however, Elympics reserves the right to keep the game on the platform even if the game development team stops developing it.

What happens to our game after the GameCamp?

By submitting your game, you consent to keep it active on Telegram until 31 December 2024, 11:59:59 pm UTC - within this timeframe you are not allowed to remove it from the communicator nor remove our access to the game repository. At the same time, Elympics undertakes to host and service your game free of charge within this timeframe.

From 1 January 2025 on, you can take full control over the game and what happens to it next. However, Elympics reserves the right to contact selected creators to discuss the future of your game, including buying out the IP from you by Elympics or starting a paid cooperation that covers further game development (adding monetization and other features).

Can I join without a team?

Yes, however, you have to have a complete skill set aboard to deliver an amazing game. But we got you covered here - you’ll have the opportunity to team up with other solo participants via the Telegram group hosted by Elympics.

How to integrate our game with Telegram?

We got you covered here! When you install the SDK package according to the instructions provided by us, your game will be automatically integrated with Telegram. No extra configuration is needed on your end.

Join Official Telegram Group to stay tuned!